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In my blog I provide up-to-date information and news picks on money management topics.
Note: I am a "numbers person" and not a professional writer, nor do I use a copywriter. My intent is to provide short valuable information. So if you are looking for long and perfectly written articles, you need to find another place.
Does your child need a kid's debit card?
Should you Spring Clean your finances?
Be aware: Identity Theft & Tax Season
How to Find Your Own Values and Become Successful With Your Financial Goals
Task list for your finances before the end of the year
Daily Money Managers: How we can help busy families & professionals and retirees during Covid19-time
Let's keep the positive impacts of Covid19 on our spending and saving habits!
A 10-step Plan for Updating Your Budget During COVID19
America Saves Week 2019: Day 6 - Save as a family
America Saves Week 2019: Day 5 - Save the extra
America Saves Week 2019: Day 2 - Automated Savings
Sorting out obsolete documents
Overspending? Tips for getting your spending habits under control
Back-to-school: how to talk with children about money
What is the best filing system for your financial documents?
Thinking of big purchases? - Take care of your Credit!
How can paying a Daily Money Manager help you saving money?
You are not alone - only about 40% of all American adults prepare and follow a personal budget!
This week is Tax Identity Theft Awareness Week