Does your child need a kid's debit card?
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In my blog I provide up-to-date information and news picks on money management topics.
Note: I am a "numbers person" and not a professional writer, nor do I use a copywriter. My intent is to provide short valuable information. So if you are looking for long and perfectly written articles, you need to find another place.
Should you Spring Clean your finances?
Be aware: Identity Theft & Tax Season
How to Find Your Own Values and Become Successful With Your Financial Goals
Task list for your finances before the end of the year
Daily Money Managers: How we can help busy families & professionals and retirees during Covid19-time
Let's keep the positive impacts of Covid19 on our spending and saving habits!
A 10-step Plan for Updating Your Budget During COVID19
America Saves Week 2019: Day 6 - Save as a family
America Saves Week 2019: Day 5 - Save the extra
America Saves Week 2019: Day 2 - Automated Savings
Sorting out obsolete documents
Overspending? Tips for getting your spending habits under control
Back-to-school: how to talk with children about money
What is the best filing system for your financial documents?
Thinking of big purchases? - Take care of your Credit!
How can paying a Daily Money Manager help you saving money?
You are not alone - only about 40% of all American adults prepare and follow a personal budget!
This week is Tax Identity Theft Awareness Week