Today is the start of the America Saves Week 2019! During this week you will get many useful resources for a successful savings plan. As a start you should check out the online toolkit Save with a Plan: 10 Tips So Your Future Self Will Thank You .
Each day of the week will provide tips to a different topic:
Tuesday, February 26th: Save the easy way…automatically - how to use automatic transfers to ensure you achieve your savings target
Wednesday, February 27th: Save for the unexpected - building up an emergency fund
Thursday, February 28th: Save to retire- ensure you have enough money to live during retirement
Friday, March 1st: Save the extra - don't spend all the extra money you are getting from bonuses or tax refunds
Saturday, March 2nd: Save as a family - tips on getting children to save money
In addition to those topics, many tips can be found on the website of from America Saves.